Our largest project of the year

46 Belgard 4' landings steps to the top with boulder trim. We also installed 50' of rip rap and the 2' boulder retaining wall to create a sitting area.

The post and rope hand railing was a great addition to this project adding safety and appeal.

From the top looking down you can really see how nice curving the steps looks versus straight.

10X50 raise patio on top to add space for family gatherings. We used Belgard Holland Stone pavers in Fieldstone color. The retaining wall is Anchor Diamond in Umber color.

Another patio leading to steps up the side of the home. We created a grass sitting area and a mulched planter to soften the feel of all the hard surface of the pavers and retaining walls.

Mores Belgard 4' Landings Step with boulder trim up the south side of the home.

More steps around the north side of the home with paver landings between. We used boulder retaining walls to keep the natural feel around the home. We take our time to fit the boulders as tight together as possible to create the most natural feel.

Paver walkway to the front of the home.

We also replace the apron in front of the garage to tie the whole project together.